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Q - Why can't the boy ghost have babies?
A - Because he has a Hallo-weenie. 

Q - Where does a ghost go on Saturday night?
A  - Anywhere where he can boo-gie.

Q - What do ghosts say when something is really neat?
A  - Ghoul.

Q - Why did the ghost go into the bar?
A  - For the Boos.

Q - Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?
A  - He didn't have a haunting license.

Q - What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog?
A  - He is mist.

Q - Why is a ghost such a messy eater?
A  - Because he is always a goblin.

Q - What tops off a ghost's ice cream sundae?
A  - Whipped scream.

Q - What did tha boy ghost say to the girl ghost?
A  - You are the most booooooooo-tiful thing I have ever seen

Q - What are ghosts' favorite kind of streets?
A  - Dead ends

Q - What kind of makeup do ghosts wear?
A  - Mas-scare-a.

Q - Who was the most famous ghost detective?
A  - Sherlock Moans.

Q - What did the ghost say to the man at the coffee shop?
A  - Scream or sugar!

Q - What is in a ghost's nose?
A  - Boogers.

Q - Where does a ghost refuel his porche?
A  - At a ghastly station.

Q - Why do ghosts shiver and moan?
A  - It's drafty under that sheet.

Q - What do ghosts eat for breakfast?
A  - Boo-Berries.

Q - What kind of gum do ghosts chew?
A  - Boo Boo Gum.

Q - What is a Ghost's favorite food?
A  - HamBoogers.

Q - What is a ghosts favorite sale?
A  - A white sale.

Q - What kind of tie does a ghost wear to a formal party?
A  - A boo-tie.

Q - What's a ghosts favorite desert?
A  - Boo-berry pie.

Q - Why can't Boy Ghosts make babies??
A  - Because they have Hollow-Weenies!

Q - How did the ghost say goodbye to the vampire?
A  - So long sucker!

Q - What is a ghost's favorite band?
A  - The Boos Brothers.

Q - Where do ghosts go out?
A  - Where they can get boooooo-ze.

Q - Where do ghosts go out?
A  - Where they can get sheet-faced.

Q - What did the mother ghost say to her kids in the car?
A  - Fasten your sheet belts.

Q - What do gosts call there girl friends?
A  - There goul friends.

Q - Why don't ghost have bands?
A  - They get booooooooooed.

Q - Whats a ghost's favorate type of car?
A  - A boo-ick.

Q - Where do ghost go for fun?
A  - To the boo-vies.

Q - Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?
A  - It raises their spirits.


Have a Happy Halloween!

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